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IOTAVX AVXP1 awarded as “product for eternity”!

2023-10-06 09:12:00 / AVXP1
IOTAVX AVXP1 awarded as “product for eternity”! - IOTAVX AVXP1 awarded as “product for eternity”!

What an honour! The popular multi-channel amplifier AVXP1 from IOTAVX was awarded by areadvd as “product for eternity”.

The editorial team writes about the IOTAVX AVXP1:

"1,379 EUR. The price has to be repeated again and again, because it's hard to believe what the British sound masters from IOTAVX are paying for this course."

We are very pleased about this important award and wish all owners of these hi-fi gems a lot of joy with the best sound!
